Tuesday, January 14, 2014

A Day in the Life: My Christmas

Hello and welcome to 2014!

As you can probably tell, the blog has been a little dead for a while, but that was because of Christmas, blame Jesus. Anywho, it is back to regularly scheduled programming from now on. I thought I would share with you some of my pictures from my holiday break. I warn you, I got a new 50 mm lense. This means you going to see a lot of short depths of fields. 

We bought my Pop a bird for christmas as a surpise. This photo was taken stright after he got given it. As you can see, it was love at first sight.

My family like silly hats, we are wild like that.

As per tradition, we get given scratchies under our plates and we see if we win. Also, following tradition, I won $4. Not a lot but its four more dollars then I had before!

An afternoon at my aunties

This is Indi, my cousins dog. I thought this was just a stunning photo not to include!


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